Allowing the portal to send emails through your domain

Your Customer Portal may send emails such as welcome emails, order confirmations, or other types of correspondence to your customer or your employees. We use an email sending service from Amazon (Amazon SES) to send the emails from the portal.

In order to send emails from your own domain, you will need to authorize the customer portal to send emails on your behalf. Failing to do this will cause your emails to be blocked or routed to spam folders. This authorization is done by adding “DomainKeys Identified Mail” rules to your domain’s DNS settings.

DomainKeys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a technical standard that helps protect email senders and recipients from spam, spoofing, and phishing. It allows an organization to claim responsibility for a message in a way that can be validated by the recipients’ email servers.

How are the DKIM rules set up?

Once you provide us with the domain name you want to send your emails from, we will set you up in Amazon SES and then send you a document with the DKIM records that need to be added. You can send this information to your IT provider or the person that manages your domain DNS records.

Step 1:

To complete verification of a domain, you must add the TXT record listed under “Domain verification record set” to the domain’s DNS settings.

A TXT record is a type of DNS record that provides additional information about your domain. The procedure for adding TXT records to your domain’s DNS settings depends on who provides your DNS service. For general information, see Amazon SES Domain Verification TXT Records.

NOTE: If your DNS provider does not allow underscores in record names, you can omit _amazonses from the record name. To help you easily identify this record within your domain’s DNS settings, you can optionally prefix the record value with amazonses:

Step 2:

To enable DKIM signing for your domain (optional but recommended), you must add the CNAME records listed under “DKIM record set:” to your domain’s DNS settings.

After you successfully add these CNAME records to your domain’s DNS settings, Amazon SES will automatically detect the records and allow DKIM signing at that time. Verification of those records may take up to 72 hours.

NOTE: Unlike for domain verification, you cannot omit the underscore from _domainkey because the underscore is required by RFC 4871.